5 Benefits of a Knockdown and Rebuild
Are you thinking about knocking down and rebuilding your home? It could be the perfect way to create the home of your dreams without the upheaval of moving house.
From adding more space to an already established home to completely changing your first home design, the standard way to go has been renovating. But the rising cost of renovation has made the idea of knocking down and rebuilding much more attractive for many.
The knockdown and rebuild route is an excellent choice if you have outgrown your home or want a fresh look entirely but want to stay where you are. Below, we’ll list 5 excellent benefits of a knockdown and rebuild that we hope will inspire you.
1. You love your suburb (and your neighbours!)
You may absolutely love your current area – the neighbours, the nearby shops, the local doggy park. If you love it, why leave? Your neighbourhood is your tribe – it’s where you feel most comfortable, where you feel most at home! You may live in an established community, close to your family and friends. If your kids go to school nearby, it would be a shame to move them away from all their friends. These are all good reasons to stay where you are.
While you love your suburb, you may have the worst house in the best street. If that’s the case, it makes good sense to knock it down and build the dream house you deserve.
It’s not always easy to find the perfect suburb or the perfect street. But if you are living in it, knocking down and rebuilding your property means you won’t need to move anywhere.
2. You love your block
Not only do you love the suburb and your street, you love your actual block of land. There’s just something about the view of the mountains, or the ocean that you can’t get anywhere else. There’s no need to give all that up by moving elsewhere.
It’s not easy choosing the perfect block of land – there are many things to look for and factor in. Why bother doing all that again if you love where you are? With a knockdown and rebuild, you’ll get the best of both worlds – your dream home on your dream block (in your dream suburb on your dream street!)
3. Your suburb may be increasing value
If you’re living in an area with high capital growth, and the value of the suburb (and the houses within it) is increasing, you may be living in a gold mine! If that’s the case, you’d be crazy to build elsewhere when you can stay where you are and simply rebuild on the land you currently own.
Not to mention, that the resale value of your “New” home will be much higher. This is important if you’re planning on selling your property later down the track. Your new home will have warranties, meaning potential purchasers will be reassured with their buy. Who knows? Your brand new and bigger home in a golden suburb may enjoy huge levels of capital growth in the future.
4. You can move to a new spot altogether – Look for the worst house in the best st.
Maybe your dream block of land is on the other side of the city with an old run down home on it. If that’s the case, renovation just won’t cut it! Land shortages around the country have contributed greatly to the rise of knockdown and rebuild as an option. It’s perfect if you’re keen to build in your favourite location in, for example, an area closer to the city (where blocks are rare or not available at all rather than moving to someplace with more vacant land available.
It’s always a good feeling to start with a clean slate – including a new spot. If you choose to renovate, you’ll have to work around all the stuff that already exists which can be quite restrictive. Much easier to knock it all down and enjoy a fresh clean slate from which to design the perfect home!
5. What about the cost?
Yes, a knockdown rebuild will hit your hip pocket in the same way any new home construction project will so you’ll need to make sure you’re prepared for the expenses that go hand in hand with this and don’t forget about the demolition cost.
If you are considering renovating instead of rebuilding be aware that some renovation projects can end up being twice more expensive than a knockdown and rebuild. The reason being is that some renovations require a whole lot of rectification work before the actual process of building the renovations begin. There’ll also be allowances built into the price of renovating given that not all costs of renovating are easy to determine in the design and planning stage. Indeed, some allowances are there to cover “unknowns” and they may cost you more than what they’re worth. You simply won’t get that trouble with knocking down and rebuilding.
The best part financially is that you won’t have to go through the costs of selling and buying a property, as you’re already where you want to be!
6. Bonus tip – heritage listing
Make sure you always check with your local council if you’re planning to knock down your home, as some properties are subject to heritage listing that prevent knockdowns and/or major changes. Your property will be a heritage item in New South Wales if it’s listed on the heritage schedule of your council’s local (or regional) environmental plan, if it’s on the State Heritage Register or the National Heritage List. You can also get in touch with NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for assistance in these matters.
Considering a knockdown and rebuild in the Hunter Valley?
Our friendly team here at Hunter Designer Homes can assist you further understand about all the benefits of a knockdown and rebuild.
It’s important to seek the best advice from a reputable home building company to make sure you are re-building your home in the best way possible. If you’re looking to do this in the Hunter Region, please give us a call today on 1300 657 487 or email sales@hunterdesignerhomes.com.au so we can get started on building or finding your dream home.